* Note: Paymentgateways.org.in is not a payment gateway company, but an integrated third-party solution. Using copyrighted images with respect, we provide clear credit to the original creators on our website.


About Nimbble Payment Gateway

Boost your Business with Multiple Payment Gateway Providers Get the best, the top, the most popular online payment gateway aggregators in India. Together in one integration with a powerful dashboard for full control over payment operations.

Scale your business, not payment gateway integrations

The only integration and dashboard you’ll ever need Get the top payment gateway aggregators like Razorpay, PayU, Cashfree, PayU, CCAvenue. Together in one integration. Add, remove, switch, change priority between them with ease from the powerful Nimbbl dashboard.

20% higher sales with a One-Click checkout experience Customers love a fast, personalised checkout experience. Offer them just that with the Nimbbl One-Click Checkout. In return, you’ll get higher conversions, lower abandonments, faster checkout flow, repeat purchases, and more sales.


  • Bill scheduling
  • One-click and auto-pay.
  • 24*7 customer service.
  • Electronic tool and analytics account
  • 100% safe and secure.